About Jim Allbaugh
Jim Allbaugh was certified by the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute of Boulder, CO. (the sole certifying agency in the U.S.)
Jim has worked with a wide variety of clients since 2003.
He has explored the many depths of his own healing process. Because of this, he meets you from a place of wholeness, empathy and deep compassion.
He has been a student of Aikido since 1993. Such a martial art has enabled Jim to understand, on an intimate level, our greatest potential. He currently holds the rank of Nidan, or second degree black belt.
Jim also practices yoga. He has been doing so since 2005. This has deepened his appreciation for what Rolfing has to offer, for both yoga and Rolfing are very similar.
Jim’s commitment to his client’s well being is exceptional. He believes we all have an innate ability and organic drive to heal on various levels. At times, we forget this. With the appropriate education and input, we can once again reinvigorate this already accessible and powerful system.